Stir the ashes the fire is still burning beneath

The other day I was watching a movie, and in one of the scene, a family had gone camping for holidays. Part of their daily routine was to light the fire in the evening to keep them warm and tell stories deep into the night. The father noted that it was possible to keep the fire burning until the next day instead of lighting it afresh. His son was curious to know how that was even possible. He proceeded to show him how to arrange the firewood to preserve the heat beneath once the flames died down. The next day they stirred the ash and interestingly the heat had been preserved and ready to be ignited again into flames.

That got me thinking. Is it not the same thing with our dreams and aspirations? Well, our dreams and aspirations are like the heat and the ashes. If we add more firewood, it will spark into flames and light our way while keeping us warm. If we don’t nurture it, it will be covered by ashes, and we will not see the flames. We all have dreams. That one thing that always excites you and keeps your heart racing. It could be going to the studio and recording your music, or maybe you have always dreamt of starting your restaurant serving delicious food and good vibes. Our bills have overtaken our dreams urgency, and we are stuck in jobs that bring little joy and satisfaction. The beauty of life is, your dreams will always lie deep beneath you. It will travel with you everywhere you go. It only needs the courage to be stirred. Like the heat and the ashes, you only need to stir it, and there you will find the heat ready to be ignited by adding some firewood. I encourage you today to stir the ashes and light your flame. Once it is lit and going nurture it with dedication and hard work. Keep believing and keep winning.


Writer, Poet, passionate about Literary arts.

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