Farewell, my soulmate

Farewell, my soulmate, the one I hold dear,
Our paths intertwining, but now it’s unclear,
The time has come for us to part ways,
To bid adieu to these once golden days.

We laughed, we loved, we shared our dreams,
But life’s unpredictable currents, it seems,
Have pulled us apart, on diverging tracks,
Leaving behind memories that we can’t take back.

In your eyes, I saw a reflection of me,
A connection so deep, so rare to see,
But destiny beckons, calling us apart,
Guiding us toward different journeys, different hearts.

Though our souls may ache, and tears may fall,
We must surrender to the universe’s call,
For growth lies in accepting life’s ebb and flow,
And finding the strength to let each other go.

So, goodbye, my soulmate, with a heavy heart,
Our love story now becoming a part,
Of cherished moments, lessons learned,
And the love in our souls forever burned.

May life’s path be kind and gentle to you,
May your heart find solace, and dreams come true,
For as we part ways, remember this, my friend,
Our souls will forever be connected, until the end.

Thank you for the love, the joy we once shared,
For the moments we treasured, the ways we cared,
Though goodbye may bring tears and aching sorrow,
Our souls will find solace in a new tomorrow.

Farewell, my soulmate, with love and grace,
May happiness guide you to a brighter place,
And as we journey forward, on separate shores,
Know that our souls will forever be yours.